


Feature #4979

Add support for IN/OUT parameters

Added by Álvaro Herrera over 19 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

In Progress
Alexey Klyukin
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
09/13/2011 (over 13 years late)
% Done:


Estimated time:


Add support for OUT parameters so that the user can skip specifying a return type explicitely.


Updated by anonymous - over 19 years ago

I think this can push to 1.3 or even 1.4 as long as we get solid SRF.


Updated by Álvaro Herrera about 17 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

Updated by Álvaro Herrera almost 15 years ago

  • Assignee deleted (Álvaro Herrera)

Updated by Álvaro Herrera over 14 years ago

  • Target version changed from Release 1.3 to Release 1.4

Updated by Álvaro Herrera over 14 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to New
  • Target version changed from Release 1.4 to Release 1.5

Updated by Joshua Drake over 14 years ago

  • Assignee set to Álvaro Herrera

Updated by Álvaro Herrera over 14 years ago

  1. at compile time, scan &argmodes (from get_func_arg_info) and find out what params are INOUT or INOUT
    (plpgsql does this in do_compile)
  2. if more than one, build a rowtype that holds all the out params (follow out_param_varno in plpgsql code); this is cached in the compiled-function struct.
  3. in plphp_spi.c, ZEND_FUNCTION(return_next) needs fixed to work with the cached rowtype
  4. plphp_srf_handler probably needs fixed as well, but perhaps this just works, because return_next stuffs the result tuples in the tuple store already.

Note: get_func_arg_info doesn't exist in PostgreSQL 8.1. We'll probably drop support for that release when implementing this.

Note 2: some of the code we use for handling parameter names and stuff predates get_func_arg_info. Since the way we're doing it duplicates the new function, we'll need to rework that as well.


Updated by Álvaro Herrera almost 14 years ago

  • Priority changed from Low to Normal

Updated by Álvaro Herrera almost 14 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Álvaro Herrera to Alexey Klyukin

Updated by Alexey Klyukin over 13 years ago

  • Due date set to 09/07/2011
  • Status changed from New to In Progress

So, long time no updates, but we are pretty close to complete the implementation. My original idea was to model it after PL/pgSQL, as Alvaro suggested earlier, but I found out that building a row type for the result is not necessary, since OUT arguments are represented as a RECORD return type internally, and we already have support for returning records. Thus, adding OUT arguments appeared to be quite straightforward. For a single OUT, it's sufficient to add a 'return $argument_name' statement at the very end of the function during the compilation stage. For multiple OUTs, the approach is the same, but instead of returning a scalar value, an array of references to OUT arguments is created and returned. For instance, here's the function declaration as supplied by a user, and the resulting code just before the compilation:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION plphp_multiple_out(OUT integer, OUT name text, INOUT date) AS 
  $args[0] = 1; $args[1] = 'jdoe';
$$ LANGUAGE plphp;
SELECT * FROM plphp_multiple_out(current_date); 
function plphp_proc_24616($args, $argc){ $name = &$args[1];  $_plphp_ret_plphp_proc_24616 = array(&$args[0],&$args[1],&$args[2]);
      $args[0] = 1; $args[1] = 'jdoe';
    ; return $_plphp_ret_plphp_proc_24616;}

(A minor improvement I've just discovered is to return the array(...) statement itself, without creating a name for it).

Initially I have decided to skip the OUT arguments altogether when building an argument list for the function, but this appeared to be incompatible with unnamed OUT arguments (we need to refer to them somehow), so I've used the idea from PL/pgSQL to initialize them with NULL values initially.

I also had to modify the code that builds a postgres tuple from the PHP array to support the normal non-assosiative arrays (i.e. array(1,2,3) instead of array('one'=>1, 'two'=>2, 'three'=>3), so it's not necessary to specify argument names when returning multiple values a function.

What's left is the support for TABLE arguments (aka SRF OUT arguments) and test cases. I'd think that it needs an extra day of work.


Updated by Alexey Klyukin over 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 09/07/2011 to 09/09/2011

So, I've got the SRF functions with OUT arguments working, but came over one problem when dealing when TABLE arguments (which are basically a syntax sugar over the SRF with OUTs). The pl/pgSQL implementation of TABLE arguments allows for doing RETURN NEXT w/o specifying the row to return (in fact, it explicitly forbids putting the row there) and automatically fills the return value with a row constructed from the TABLE arguments. I'd like to do this in PHP as well, but since we don't have such intimate relationship with a PHP parser as pl/pgSQL enjoys, we use a separate function called return_next. This function, naturally, doesn't have access to the variables passed into the original function, but we need to get their values somehow to construct the resulting tuple. The approach I'm currently exploring is to save the symbol table of the pl/PHP function into a global variable right before passing control to the PHP parser, and accessing this table from return_next.


Updated by Alexey Klyukin over 13 years ago

  • Due date changed from 09/09/2011 to 09/13/2011

Alexey Klyukin wrote:

This function, naturally, doesn't have access to the variables passed into the original function, but we need to get their values somehow to construct the resulting tuple. The approach I'm currently exploring is to save the symbol table of the pl/PHP function into a global variable right before passing control to the PHP parser, and accessing this table from return_next.

This idea was not working, because we never passed the symbol table prepared just before the actual function call to the PHP function itself. Instead, that symbol table represented an outer block for the function, and we passed the argc and argv parameters via the function signature (by assigning values to argc and argv in our outer block (C function) and then calling plphp_proc_$oid(argc, argv)). By examining the PHP sources I've discovered that we can pass our prepared symbol table directly to the function via the last parameter of call_user_function_ex. I've checked this and it appears to be working. So the last problem seems to be solved, but I need a bit more testing (and some refactoring) to finish with this.


Updated by Alexey Klyukin over 13 years ago

Note that the changes will affect argument numbers in functions with OUT arguments. For example (this is actually a test case that failed with the new code due to assumption about argument numbers no longer correct):

create function retset5(out int, out int, int, int)
language plphp as $$
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $args[0]; $i++) {
        return_next($args[1] * $i);
select * from retset5(5, 2);

The code assumes that args [0] is the 3rd argument, while it's actually the 1st one. We don't skip OUT arguments in args, doing this would make impossible to assign values to unnamed OUT arguments. This is really a problem of this test only, since there were no support for OUT arguments in the past. Nevertheless, I think it's worth mentioning here as a reminder to put a notice into the documentation.


Updated by Álvaro Herrera over 13 years ago

Excerpts from plphp-tickets's message of mié sep 14 11:16:51 -0300 2011:

Issue #4979 has been updated by Alexey Klyukin.

Note that the changes will affect argument numbers in functions with OUT arguments. For example (this is actually a test case that failed with the new code due to assumption about argument numbers no longer correct):

> create function retset5(out int, out int, int, int)
> language plphp as $$
>     for ($i = 1; $i <= $args[0]; $i++) {
>         return_next($args[1] * $i);
>     }
> $$;
> select * from retset5(5, 2);

The code assumes that args [0] is the 3rd argument, while it's actually the 1st one. We don't skip OUT arguments in args, doing this would make impossible to assign values to unnamed OUT arguments. This is really a problem of this test only, since there were no support for OUT arguments in the past. Nevertheless, I think it's worth mentioning here as a reminder to put a notice into the documentation.

Keep in mind that the new OUT handling code has never been released. I
don't think it's important to mention this caveat.

Álvaro Herrera <>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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