


Feature #5306

Reimplementation of queue

Added by Joshua A. Drake almost 11 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Reimplementation of PITRTools queue
The current queue system possesses the following limitations:
1. No job control - If we are generating xlogs faster than we can ship them, rsync processes will be spawned uncontrollably.
2. A continuous stream of transaction logs must be generated for correct operation of the archiver. If there are no new logs
coming in, logs still in the queues will not get shipped.

Suggested solution:

Queue management daemon - Have cmd_archiver only queue logs, with a separate daemon shipping them.
  * cmd_queue daemon 
    - write PID to a file
    - In worker thread
      ] Ship logs in queue with subprocess calls when self to-do list is not empty
        } If successful, remove paths from self to-do list and log appropriate output
        } Else, log which queues failed 
      ] Wait a few seconds [configurable]
      ] Repeat
    - In main thread 
      ] Wait for data [absolute paths to queued logs] on a pipe or UNIX socket
      ] On data, parse and extract paths, append paths to self to-do list
      ] Repeat
  * When cmd_archiver is called with a new archive, copy the archive to slave queues and write paths to cmd_queue via pipe/socket


Updated by Joshua A. Drake almost 11 years ago

Updated, simplified plan:

* cmd_queue daemon 
  - Check if any queues have logs in them
  - Send the logs with calls from the subprocess module
    ] If a log ship was successful, delete the link and its source in the global directory. (This can possibly be done with some fancy rsync flags - not sure yet)
    ] Else, continue. We'll try again on the next cycle. 
  - Wait a few seconds [configurable]
* When cmd_archiver is called with a new archive, put archive in global queue and hard link to slave queues as per #5296


Updated by Alexander Shulgin over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Assignee set to Alexander Shulgin

The latest code for this feature is pushed to:

It would be nice if someone could have a look on it.


Updated by Alexander Shulgin over 10 years ago

Alexander Shulgin wrote:

The latest code for this feature is pushed to:

It would be nice if someone could have a look on it.

Summary of the changes:

  • cmd_queue will be started by cmd_archiver (though a user invokation is
    not prohibited specifically)
  • cmd_queue will allow only one instance running per l_archive dir, by
    checking for the $l_archive/ file then bailing out if it
    is present and there is a process running with that PID1
  • this allows us to run cmd_queue from cmd_archiver for every new WAL
    file and let it figure the status itself; this also makes sure that
    manually starting or stopping cmd_queue doesn't interfere with the
    cmd_archiver plans
  • optionally, cmd_queue can check for $PGDATA/ after each
    iteration and bail out if it has gone missing; this should make sure
    cmd_queue lifetime is tied to the postmaster's one, but that's not
    strictly necessary
  • cmd_queue will accept --daemon option to be used from cmd_archiver;
    this makes sure the archiver won't get stuck when running cmd_queue
    for the first time; all further invokations are expected to exit
    immediately due to an already running instance of cmd_queue

It is currently running through slaves in order. I'm looking to see if adding some parallelism is an option.


Updated by Joshua Drake over 10 years ago

On 11/12/2014 07:48 AM, wrote:

  • cmd_queue will accept --daemon option to be used from cmd_archiver;
    this makes sure the archiver won't get stuck when running cmd_queue
    for the first time; all further invokations are expected to exit
    immediately due to an already running instance of cmd_queue

It is currently running through slaves in order. I'm looking to see if adding some parallelism is an option.

That would be awesome (the parallelism).

Command Prompt, Inc. - 503-667-4564
PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Development
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"If we send our children to Caesar for their education, we should
not be surprised when they come back as Romans."


Updated by Alexander Shulgin over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Alexander Shulgin to Joshua Drake

Joshua Drake wrote:

That would be awesome (the parallelism).

Here you go (look ma, no threads!):

It would be nice though if someone other than me grabbed this latest version and tried running it independently.



Updated by Alexander Shulgin over 10 years ago

Just updated the docs and pushed to master.

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