




Exceptable is a Python + PL/PGSQL library specifically built to handle propagation of exceptions from PostgreSQL and stored procedures in a more consistent fashion.
By utilizing a standardized exception text format, standard ProgrammingErrors as raised by the Python DB-API can be caught, analyzed, and re-raised as exceptions that are more useful in the application layer.

Definable Exceptions

By providing a simple, configurable decorator for wrapping DB functionality, Exceptable allows for customizable exception APIs to be created simply and efficiently.

Get the Code

You can get Exceptable in one of several ways. First, the easy installation via Python's PyPI index, via:

$ easy_install Exceptable

which will install the library in your standard path.

Secondly, you can get the source code from our SVN repository, via:

$ svn co ./exceptable

And last but not least, Exceptable's can now be forked and cloned on GitHub, via

$ git clone git:// ./exceptable

All pull requests are examined and taken seriously.

Finally, if you're contributing to the Exceptable project, why not sign up for our mailing list, available at

Updated by Aurynn Shaw about 14 years ago ยท 7 revisions