


ODBCParameters » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (bford -, 10/09/2006 11:13 AM) → Revision 4/5 (bford -, 11/20/2006 05:48 PM)

= ODBC options = 

 This is used in the unixodbc.ini or the Win32 Data Sources DSN. 

 Description=[string] Description[string]       - description of DSN ( random string ) 
 Driver=[string] Driver[string]            - name of Driver ( Mammoth ODBC ) 
 DATABASE=[string] DATABASE[string]          - name of database to connect to 
 SERVER=[string] SERVER[string]            - ip or hostname of Database-server 
 UID=[string] UID[string]               - name of database-user for connection 
 PWD=[string] PWD[string]               - password for database-user for connection 
 PORT=[int] PORT[int]                 - port to connect to 
 CONNECT_TIMEOUT=[int] CONNECT_TIMEOUT[int]      - how long wait server unswer on connect till consider it failed. 
 USE_SSL=[select] USE_SSL[select]           - How to deal with SSL: 
    * REQUIRE              - server must accept SSL, if no - error 
    * PREFFER              - first try to connect with SSL, if unable - try no-SSL connection 
    * IGNORE               - connect without SSL 
 CLIENT_ENCODING=[select] CLIENT_ENCODING[select] - encoding on client -- server will automatically convert all text data to this encoding. 
 USE_BUFFERING =        [Y|N]     - buffer result on client side or not 
 SSL_CERTIFICATE=[string] SSL_CERTIFICATE[string] - path to SSL certificate file 
 SSL_PRIVATE_KEY=[string] SSL_PRIVATE_KEY[string] - your SSL private key 
 SSL_PASSPHRASE=[string] SSL_PASSPHRASE[string]    - your SSL password phrase  