


WikiStart » History » Revision 30

Revision 29 (bford -, 11/16/2007 08:32 AM) → Revision 30/36 (bford -, 11/16/2007 08:32 AM)

= Welcome to the ODBCng Trac = 

  * ODBCng is a written from scratch ODBC driver for PostgreSQL 8.x+. We will not be supporting the 7.x version of PostgreSQL. 

  * ODBCng is a wire-level ODBC driver meaning that we do not require libpq or any PostgreSQL libraries be installed to function. 

  * ODBCng is commercially supported by The PostgreSQL Company, Command Prompt, Inc., Although we invite community members to do the same.  

  * ODBCng is licensed under the GPL. We do not sell one off proprietary licenses. 

  * If you would like to contribute please join the public mailing lists here: .  
    This list is a low volume list but can be used for technical discussion, patch submission, and general help. 
  * Sources are here (anonymous svn): 

  * We are now in public test mode for the Win32 and Linux versions to resolve as many bugs as possible.  

 = [wiki:Documentation] =  

 = [wiki:Performance] = 

 = Releases = 

 You can find the latest release at the [wiki:Downloads] page.