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Aurynn Shaw, 01/02/2007 01:28 PM

= Deployment Instructions =

Preparing pggraph for installation * symlink all the scripts into the containing directory * copy config.ini and ssh.ini into the containing directory * Verify the existence of the pggraph database, and all the functions and types have been created. * Configure the INI file: * Local database, pggraph * SSH connection to the remote server * Authentication on their postgres server. postgres user credentials * Determine their pricing plan for pggraph statistics, and set shortest interval accordingly. Should match the cron length. * Decide on a prefix * Run the installer. * Start up It will read the connection info from the ssh.ini file and initiate a tunnel to the remote server. * run, verify that it can correctly pull data over the bridge. * Add a cronjob for, with the single argument of the filesystem location of the config file it is to use. Apache * Decide on where pggraph will live on the filesystem * Configure apache to expose the directory where pggraph2 is installed to the web, as a CGI directory. * Allow .py to execute via python * Mark,, and as +x * verify correct operation

Updated by Aurynn Shaw about 18 years ago · 1 revisions