WikiStart » History » Revision 10
Revision 9 (Álvaro Herrera, 11/21/2005 01:06 PM) → Revision 10/49 (Álvaro Herrera, 11/28/2005 01:09 PM)
= PL/php Trac = Welcome to the PL/php Trac site. This site is designed to help us foster a community around PL/php. Recently, PL/php has started seeing more development, and we expect to provide an improved 1.1 version shortly. We are hoping in the coming weeks that we will be able to bring you 1.1 final for 8.0 and 8.1. This version is much cooler than the previous one because you don't have to patch PostgreSQL nor PHP sources -- actually, you don't even need those sources. So it will be much easier to install. Stay tuned. == Available Documentation == [wiki:InstallDocs10 PL/php 1.0 Installation procedures] We also have documented the [wiki:InstallDocs PL/php 1.1 Installation procedures]. procedures], but note that you won't be able to actually use them until we release a tarball you can download. Before you can use PL/php, you need to [wiki:CreateLang create the language] in the database. (In PostgreSQL 8.0 you need [wiki:CreateLang80 these instructions instead]). Usage Documentation: [wiki:Documentation PL/php User Guide] == Downloads == Please refer to the [wiki:Downloads] page.